David Perlmutter
David Perlmutter
Bobbie Carlton
Dear Perlmutter Family,
So sorry to be meeting under these circumstances. I am a Johnny-come-lately to the Frank Fan Club. We've been working together for the past two months (talking and corresponding almost daily) and I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear the news. I've rarely met anyone brimming with so much happiness, excitement and joy in so many things. I was privileged to hear stories of the kids' accomplishments, walks with dogs and outings with you, Liz. Even though it was "work" we had great fun and lots of laughs. My thoughts are with you all. Bobbie
Kim Gatof
Our dearest Liz, Michael, Andrew and Julia....we will never forgot Passovers shared, Gilligan Island party laughs, pool splashes, and family time shared...Frank always leading the way with ease, smiles , smarts and grace. Our hearts are with you. With much love, Kim , Bob, Jake and Tess
David Perlmutter
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